Have a lot of questions which make me feel humble,
In you I trust, as you help the one’s who tremble.
Life never comes easy, gives hardships in plenty,
Makes one look feeble and laughs out its disparity.
You are in everything that ones eye can ever see,
In limitless sky, in spiritual tree, in man’s benevolence and in flights of the free.
But when can I experience your presence?
When can I bow down at your feet?
Please tell me father, have a heavy heart to weep.
One day I got the perfect news, had done the unthinkable,
I had scaled the mountain of knowledge, till then unfathomable.
Then I felt his presence, whispering through the wind he said,
“I am in your courage; I am in your undying dream,
I am your mom’s scolding, and even in your pen’s stream.
“I am the spark that lights your rationality,
I am embedded in your thoughts and morality.”
That’s the day I intend never to forget,
For he had spoken in the language of fervor and intent.